Monday, July 14, 2008

Sweep One For Mike


As you may not already know, Mike Elliott suffered a serious shoulder injury a few weeks ago and has recently had surgery for this injury. This will keep Mike out of work for at least the summer and maybe longer depending on how his rehabilitation goes.
Mike and Michelle have been an intricate part of this Guild for many years; as a Board Member, Vice President, editor of the Newsletter, and delegates for the Northeast Regional Conventions, and just as Guild Members alone need our support.
If you haven’t already, you can send well wishes to their home at:
25 Merriam District, No. Oxford, MA 01537.
You may also contact them at or
What I’d like to do is to be able to help them out financially in this time of need. We have set up a fund for them through the Treasurer and beginning immediately if anyone would like to contribute a sweeping (or more if you’d like) to the Elliotts we will see that they receive all monies contributed to this fund.
Mike has also been accepted to “Sweep the White House” and the Guild hopes to offset some of these costs as well, so I’d like to continue to take donations through to the end of August.
Please make out your checks to the MCSG and mail them to Dan Jacobson, c/o MCSG, 115 Grove Street, Kingston, MA. 02364.
If anyone has any questions, they can contact Dan at 781-585-5990.
Any I thank you all for your support!!

Jean Jacobson, President
Mass. Chimney Sweep Guild

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