Thursday, February 12, 2009

Upcoming Seminars

the Mass. Guild will be sponsoring a seminar titled "Ladder User Safety & Hazard Awareness" on Saturday, March 7th

at Lynn Ladder in Lynn. This seminar is free for the first two members of each Guild company and there will be $25.00 per person charge for more than two persons in a company or for persons who are not a member of the Guild if they wish to attend. Your registration forms will be coming shortly from Billy Sweet who is our seminar coordinator, so be on the look out for that if you want to attend this great seminar.

Also, the next General Membership Meeting is being held on Wednesday, March 18th at the Holiday Inn in Taunton. We plan on having speakers there to talk about OSHA and what to expect when an accident has occurred, as well as Oliver Beauchemin, who will talk about the importance of the Guild subscribing to a Search Engine Optimization program and how it will benefit each member. Your announcement for this meeting will be coming in the mail soon as well.

If you have any questions regarding the Lynn Ladder Seminar, you can contact Billy Sweet at